Brewery Tools (FREE)

TapHunter has 10's of thousands of beers in the database. That number is growing every day. These beers are added by customers, imported from databases and managed by breweries. If you are a brewery looking to manage your beers in our database, awesome, we've built an easy way to do this. 


  • Control the information that is being shared and used by customers.
  • Any beer info that you edit will lock that info so other users outside of the brewery cannot edit it.
  • Beginning next year, the FDA has mandated that US chain restaurants display calories for each beer on their menu. TapHunter helps restaurants stay in compliance and helps breweries spread this information and avoid losing sales to chains. As a brewery, you can input this info through this new dashboard.

Your Brewery

Update and manage the information about your brewery like address and logo.

Your Beer

Update and manage the information about your beers in the TapHunter database. To ensure you have 100% of the info for each beer we list what's missing in red.

Adding a Beer