TapHunter Analytics

The Analytics section in TapHunter provides a few different views into important information about your business on

Social Stats

The Social Stats page shows you data about all of the social media and online review accounts that you have connected to TapHunter. This helps to give you an overview of how your different accounts are performing over time from one central place. 

Location Stats

The Location Stats page shows you information about exposure that TapHunter is generating for your business. There are a number of different sections on this page:

Impressions: displays the number of times your menu is seen on the TapHunter mobile app and website, as well as how many TapHunter users follow your business to receive notifications when you update your menu. 

Website Widget Views: If you use the TapHunter Website Widget on your website, this section will show you how many views it receives over time. 

Impressions By Day of Week: A breakdown of the number of time your business was seen on the TapHunter mobile app and website per different day of the week. 

User Activity: Recent actions taken by anonymous users of the TapHunter mobile app and website relating to your business, like viewing directions, seeing you on a map, and copying your address. 

Beers You're Being Found By: The top beers from your menu in order of the number of TapHunter mobile app and website users who have found you because of that beer. This provides insight into which of your menus items are the most popular. 

Nearby Stats

**Only available in select markets**

The Nearby Stats page shows you which beers are most popular in your surrounding area on TapHunter. 

Time Savings Stats

A summary of how much time different areas of TapHunter save you every month.