Social Media Integration

** You must be an administrator of your Facebook business page to turn these tools on**

Facebook Page Tab

** Facebook requires your page to have at least 2,000 likes before you can install any custom page tab like this one**

The Facebook Fan Page Tab allows you to display a live updating menu on your Facebook page. Every time you update your menu in TapHunter, the menu displayed on your businesses Facebook page will update in real time, informing everyone who visits your page about all of the great things you have available at all times. 

To set up the Facebook Page Tab, first make sure you're logged out of Facebook on your computer and the information you're using to log into Facebook with has admin level access to the page that you want to connect with (you can learn more about Facebook Page Roles on Facebook's help center). 

Log into your  TapHunter dashboard and go to your Website Men tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

To add the Facebook Fan Page Tab to your business Facebook page, click on the button below and log in with your Facebook information. Follow the prompts and when you're done, it should direct you back to your TapHunter dashboard. 

Once connected, you will need to select a drink menu that you'd like to show on your Facebook page. 

To edit the settings for your Facebook menu, click on the Edit button for the menu that you have selected on your Facebook page from the list of website menus at the top of the page. 

How to move your beer list on your Facebook page

If you'd like to rearrange your TapHunter menu tab on your Facebook page, you can easily do so by  following these instructions from Facebook.


Rename your TapHunter beer list on Facebook

Make sure you on your Facebook business page and click "SETTINGS" in the upper right corner.

Click on the "Templates and Tab" tab on the toolbar.  

Locate the TapHunter App and click "Edit Settings". This will allow you to change the name of the menu tab. We suggest using something like "LIVE BEER LIST!" or "Menu" to help the text stand out clearly. 

Facebook Post Composer

The Facebook Composer tool helps you post updates from TapHunter to your Facebook Page. This can help you post menu updates and any other social posts that you'd like to make more easily.

Make sure you are logged out of your Facebook page before turning this tool on. You will need to login to your Facebook account through the TapHunter dashboard in order to grant TapHunter permission to access your location’s business page.

Go to the Social Settings page in the left navigation of the dashboard, then click on the blue Grant Facebook Permissions button. You will log in with your personal Facebook account, which will then grant TapHunter access to any Facebook business pages that you are administrator for.

Once you have logged in to Facebook, select the page that you would like to connect to from the dropdown. 

Once you have connected, you should see a green checkmark above the name of the page that you have connected. You can change the "Post Template" text to say whatever you would like, this will be used when to help you post about your menu updates (don't change the text that says "%%items%%" or this will not work correctly). 

When you update any of your menu lists in TapHunter, the Post to social button located in the header of the dashboard will indicate how many menu items you have added but not yet posted about. If you click on that link, you will be taken to social post composer. 

You can also click on the Post to Social link in the left navigation of the dashboard under Social Media and this will also take you to the social post composer. 

The first thing you will see in the social post composer is the Suggested Posts section. This section gives you the ability to copy the text of any of the available suggested posts to then paste into the message box lower on the page. These suggested posts help to give you ideas about what to post on social media, including recent changes to your menu, upcoming events, upcoming holidays, and post ideas depending on what day of the week it is. 

Under the suggested posts section is the main area of the post composer. In this area you can enter the text for your post, choose which networks to share it on, select images to share or upload your own images, and schedule your post for later or post it immediately. 

The post on Facebook will look something like this:

Facebook Integration Troubleshooting

For help with Facebook, see our  article on Facebook troubleshooting.

Twitter Integration

To set-up your Twitter account, you must authorize your account and grant Twitter Permission under the Social Settings page. Click on the "Social Settings" tab in your dashboard and log into your Twitter account. 

Once on the social settings page, scroll down until you find Twitter and then click on the blue Grant Twitter Permissions button. 

Once you log into your Twitter account, you will see a green check mark above your Twitter handle. Under Twitter Settings, Manual will require you to share to Twitter using the Social Post Composer, while Automatic will automatically send out a tweet every time you update your menu. Tweets will list your new beers added as well as tag the breweries. They will automatically be sent 30 minutes after you are done updating.


*We recommend turning this feature on after you finish uploading your beer list the first time to avoid posting about all of your current menu items.