Location Overview

The Location Overview screen is the first screen you see when you log in to the dashboard, and it a snapshot of different insights from other parts of the TapHunter dashboard. In the sections below we will break down what each area of the Location Overview screen displays.

At the top of the Location Overview screen you'll see a summary of the accounts that you have connected to TapHunter so that you can see information about them at a glance.

The Recent menu additions section will show you new menu items that you've added recently and provides you with a quick link to manage and update your menu. 

The Your location section shows your current logo, address, and location name, and you can click the Manage Your Location button to make changes to information about your location. 

The Account Setup section provides a guide for areas of the TapHunter dashboard that you have successfully set up, and other areas that you have not yet configured. This is helpful as a reminder of important and valuable areas of TapHunter that you might not be taking advantage of yet. 

The Recent social interactions section shows you recent social media updates from all of the accounts that you have connected to TapHunter. This is a great way to quickly see new activity and jump into the Social Inbox if you want to respond or take action. 

The Your upcoming events section shows you your next upcoming events and what dates they are on, and the Manage Your Events button gives you a quick and easy way to edit or update details about your events or add new events. 

Here is a full image of the entire Location Overview page so you can also see how all of the sections are laid out.