Instagram Hashtag Recommendations

TapHunter provides Instagram hashtag recommendations designed to increase your business's reach! We have found that using these hashtags is a great way to make sure your posts are discovered by more Instagram users.This feature works to save you time so that you don’t have to look them up yourself! These recommendations are based on the most popular hashtags related to the beverage industry. 

You can find recommended hashtags when you make a new post from the Instagram Manager section of the TapHunter Manager app. To do this simply click on the app menu in the top left of the TapHunter Manager app and then select Instagram Manager.

Next click on New Instagram Post. You can decide to make a photo collage to use in your post and move to the next step. After going through the steps to copy your draft list, you will land on the “Choose Hashtags” screen. This screen has some of the top recommended hashtags to use, and if you want to add in your own hashtags that you like to use the app will remember them for the next time that you want to use it so you only have to enter them once. 

 Start using them today and start growing your following!