RateBeer Scores
Did you know that you can pull beer scores from RateBeer into your TapHunter menus? Help customer identify what beers are rated as top performers and sell more! Here are a couple ways you can display this information.
In your live beer list, you will see a new gray box at the end of each beer name. This box will tell you the RateBeer(RB) overall score and the score for how it's placed in its style.
Website Menus
To display the RateBeer (RB) scores in your website menus, click on the "website menu" tab in your dashboard, "edit" your website menu and select what scores you'd like to display. We recommend that you show all beers that are 90% and above. This is a great way to highlight outstanding beers in your lineup and move more product.
The image below shows what this rating will look like in your website menu.
Adding RateBeer (RB) scores to your print menus is similar to how you integrated the scores into your website menu. Help your customers identify what beers people have rated highly and help move through those beers quicker than normal.